The TOROID Kft. manufactures wound components for electronic and high voltage uasage. The product range of toroidal transformers represents the core business of our company. Beside toroidal transformers we also produce other toroidal products, like standard and precision measuring transformers, voltage changers, magnetic amplifiers, throttles, breakdown limiters, high frequency transformers and output transformers. In addition we also manufacture conventional layer core transformers when desired.
Within our core business segment of toroidal transformers we developed a standard line, which can be implemented as safety or insulating transformers. The capacity range covers 20 VA to 2500 VA. The voltage can be selected freely.
The transformers are manufactured in accordance with EN 61558 and are provided with a CE conformity declaration. Certifying took place via the internationally recognized MEEI (Magyar Elektrotechnikai Ellenoerzoe Intézet/Hungarian Electrotechnical Testing Institute). Our certifications are available at the following location (so far unfortunately only in Hungarian language):
MEEI Partner Certifications
In the basic setup our transformers are provided with free ends and clamping assembly accessories. When desired we can supply interiorhole-poured transformers or such also with synthetic resin with housing. Likewise we can insert also different thermal switches, thermal safety devices and NTCs.
The following table shows the data of our standard line of toroidal transformers:
Power Level | Dimensions |
Weight |
VA |
mm x mm |
kg |
TL-20-1 |
65 x 30 |
0.34 |
TL-30-2 |
68 x 30 |
0.43 |
TL-50-1 |
76 x 34 |
0.60 |
TL-50-2 |
80 x 40 |
0.64 |
TL-50-L |
98 x 28 |
0.68 |
TL-60-2 |
83 x 40 |
0.72 |
TL-80-2 |
90 x 42 |
1.00 |
TL-80-L |
94 x 33 |
0.90 |
TL-100-1 |
96 x 45 |
1.10 |
TL-100-L |
125 x 35 |
1.18 |
TL-120-1 |
96 x 52 |
1.30 |
TL-160-1 |
108 x 54 |
1.70 |
TL-200-1 |
110 x 60 |
2.10 |
TL-250-1 |
115 x 60 |
2.40 |
TL-320-1 |
127 x 60 |
2.70 |
TL-400-1 |
130 x 62 |
3.10 |
TL-500-1 |
135 x 62 |
3.30 |
TL-630-1 |
140 x 65 |
4.10 |
TL-1000-1 |
195 x 70 |
7.70 |
TL-1200-1 |
196 x 70 |
7.90 |
TL-1500-1 | 200 x 75 |
9.20 |
TL-2000-1 | 210 x 105 |
14.80 |
TL-2500-1 | 210 x 120 |
16.40 |
As we manufacture the single-aperture cores of our transformers (windings/heat treating) ourselves, we can also produce individual sizes according to the desires of our customers that are deviating from our standard line.
As we produce exclusively to customer orders, the prices depend on the number of items and are negotiated for each order.